Wednesday 16 July 2008

Phonecall from Skipper Johannes

While the rest of the crew was out sightseeing on Lille Karlsö Johannes and Nelson stayed back and took the anchor watch. He told me about the small repairs they have made - among one thing the "mast-coat". Morten and Theis was set to sew up the old one and impregnate it (that is with grease, oil, fuel - among other things). It was torn and brittle and water was dripping inside.
In the news I heard - the other day - that ladybugs is on the rise in numbers here in Scandinavia. A special vicious malaria kind around Gotland - I understand. Skipper Johannes already has a cure ready when they get to Visby - a special blend of Quinine and vitamin C.
He has great praise for the crew. Everybody is very considerate and choirs is willingly accepted. The food on board is very delirious and plentiful.
They will continue sightseeing around Gotland for a few days before crossing back to the mainland.
Lille Karlsö is an island about 3 kilometres from Gotlands western coast. It is a nature preservative and a bird sanctuary. For more information on Lille Karlsö in Swedish Click here.

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